Add the Aviators to your next event!
As the time draws near for Christmas functions and end of year celebrations, there's definitely been a bit of 1920s flair to the year. With Chicago at the Theatre Royal and Thoroughly Modern Millie at the Playhouse, we just can't seem to get enough of that risque prohibition era, so why not add a bit of vintage razzle dazzle to your end of year function?

For just $850 pledged to the Moonshine Cabaret at The Sepulchre Pozible Campaign, your business or company could have the Aviators, in all their sequinned glory, swoop in to entertain you!
We have a gorgeous array of sparkling vintage numbers … and can also bring a little Christmas if so desired ... Imagine having these mischievous imps at your end of year do!

To book the Aviators and help re-purpose a gothic church as a performance venue, pledge to our Pozible campaign now!